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Safety Training Videos

ELO Media are a specialist video production company who create effective and engaging safety training videos for companies and organisations across the UK. We work across all market sectors producing health and safety training videos and DVDs on a wide range of subjects, including office safety, manual handling, construction site safety, track safety, DSE (display screen equipment), fire evacuation, staff induction, COSHH, contractor and visitor safety to name just a few.

Employee safety training: Why it’s important and how to make it work

As a health and safety manager, you know that employee safety training is important. After all, statistics show that workplace injuries and fatalities are on the decline in recent years, thanks in large part to better safety training and practices. But how can you make sure your team is getting the most out of their safety training? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why employee safety training is so important and offer some tips on how to make it more effective.

Why employee safety training is important

Employee safety training is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it helps to prevent injuries and fatalities in the workplace. But safety training also has a number of other benefits, such as reducing workers’ compensation costs, improving morale and productivity, and reducing liability risks.

How to make employee safety training more effective

One of the most common complaints about employee safety training is that it’s boring and difficult to sit through. As a result, many employees tune out or even fall asleep during these sessions!! To keep your team engaged and ensure they’re getting the most out of their safety training, try incorporating some or all of the following strategies:

– Make use of multimedia: Safety presentations that incorporate audio/visual elements are more likely to hold workers’ attention than those that are purely text-based. Videos, infographics, and interactive exercises can all be used to liven up a safety presentation and make it more engaging.

– Use real-life examples: When presenting information on how to safely handle hazardous materials or operate machinery, use real-life examples whenever possible. This will help employees to better understand the material and see its relevance to their own work.

– Encourage questions and discussion: Employees should feel free to ask questions during safety trainings, and open discussion should be encouraged. Not only will this help employees to better understand the material, but it will also allow them to share any concerns they may have about job hazards.

– Cater to different learning styles: Some employees are visual learners who prefer diagrams and pictures, while others are auditory learners who need to hear information in order for it to stick. To ensure that everyone in your team is getting something out of the safety training, try to cater to different learning styles by incorporating a variety of multimedia elements into your presentations.

– Make it hands-on: Hands-on exercises are an excellent way to get employees interacting with the material and really understanding how it applies to their jobs. If possible, incorporate some sort of hands-on element into your Safety Training sessions—even if it’s something as simple as having employees Practice donning PPE equipment or handling hazardous materials in a controlled setting.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your team is getting the most out of their employee safety training—and that they’re actually retaining the information they’re being presented with!

Use a safety training video

Our safety training videos are all bespoke and highly effective and provide companies with a means to deliver continuity in their safety messages across multiple site and in multiple languages if required. Videos can be used online or on health and safety eLearning platforms.

Contact us today for safety training videos –  Call us on 01202 805091 or email